Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Quick Post

I have finally finished my travels in Amsterdam and Brussels and will hopefully upload some photos from those trips after I have posted up my pictures from Barcelona this week. In the meanwhile, two interesting tidbits:

According to Mujer Hoy, a "Home Ladies Journal" style periodical, the Queen of Spain is a pescetarian due to her own personal views on animal rights. Anyone who has spent time in Spain will might find this lifestyle choice rather odd, given that Spaniards' love for pork reaches almost cultish levels. However, Reina Sofia was born in Greece and keeps a steady mediterranean diet that influences the meal options for royal functions.

The Parliament in the Hague uses energy saving light bulbs throughout the complex, even in the old Hall of Knights that houses the Dutch Queen's annual address to MPs and the nation at large. The proposal to use energy saving light bulbs in the Hall of Knights came from a Green Party parliament member who wanted to use the space as an example of the Dutch government's dedication to stopping global warming with practical measures.

The Queen uses this throne in the Hall of Knights during her annual address to her subjects; the chandelier above the throne features energy saving light bulbs.

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