Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Immigration Conference: Last Minute Thoughts Before Putting on the Big Show

The day has arrived to put on the immigration conference that I have been working on for almost two months. The presentation feels solid and the team of seven Fulbrighters along with the venue and other NGOs have done an excellent job of spreading the word about the event. I can definitely say that I am extremely proud of having the opportunity to put together this conference; it serves as an excellent means to finish off the year presenting my work to a responsive audience.

It also serves as an excellent example of the manner that individuals can use their collective resources and talents to work in a democratic fashion to put on an event without initial backing from a major institution or organization. In other words, Kos would be proud of the fact that we had an excellent idea - seven Americans presenting work about immigration in Spain - and found a way to turn it into a full fledged event with internet advertising created via photoshop, word of mouth publicity, and good old fashion poster/postcard distribution to bring in folks to the event. I am excited and proud to have been a part of this process.

I should have a blog post up within the week detailing the event's proceedings. Fired up and ready to go!

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